Saturday, August 15, 2009

Assignment 1 Character Design Document hostage character

Character Sheet:

Character Description:

Character: Sam Jennings: Student, Hostage, Side-character.

Full Name:
Sam Michael Jennings
Negotiator (police officer)

Detailed Physical Description
Distinguishing Features:
Joker, relaxed, easily stressed
5' 12"
Light and Lanky

Character Traits
Key Character Traits:
Stressed/freaked out, comedian.
What is the Principal Function of this Character?
Side-character who adds a comedic element to the animation

What is the Goal of this Character?
To escape the bank without dying.
What is the Character's plan to achieve the goal?
Try to wriggle out of the bombs/ hop out of the bank so he can be disarmed. Or to survive the battle of wits without being blown up.

Character Background
Family Background:
Sam Jennings comes from a family of builders and tradies, however he went to art school in order to break away from his family traditions, and this has lead to constant ridicule and disrespect from his family.
Sam never takes anything to seriously which can land him in compromising situations (like being strapped with explosives), however when genuine problems inevitably occur, Sam freaks out and behaves wildly/erratically without thinking in order to try to get himself out of the sticky situation any way possible bartering and pleading the entire time.
College of fine arts second year
Sam is a generally fun loving guy who loves to spend time with friends, but when the bank gets robbed fear takes over and a wave of emotions rush over him as he tries to escape.
He lives for fun, drawing, painting and sculpting
Stressful situations or any situation where he is expected to be serious.
Sam Jennings was heading to the bank to cash the $25 check his grandma gave him for food, when the bank got robbed; Sam started freaking out when Ryan started killing people. Sam’s erratic actions and him trying to escape got him strapped up in bombs by Ryan. He is still trying to escape while Jack comes to challenge Ryan.

Character Animation Tests:

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