Saturday, August 15, 2009

Textual designs and poses

My three major characters is the bank robber as the villain, the police officer as the hero, and the young boy as the hostage.

I wanted to portray the villain as maniacal and crazy, his general mannerism is somewhat erratic while still maintaining a nice smooth form as he moves. I want him portray as tall and slender and have nice long movements, however my attempts at editing the andy rig to make it taller and skinnier has proved unsuccessful, so I plan to emphasize his height through camera angles and movements.
I plan to upload more poses at a later date of him in other various positions that let this character shine through.

I modified his clothing texture to add a anarchy tshirt stained with blood, i also modeled a a top hat, a cigarette and his remote detonator. Later i added sack of money for him to lean on.

I also included some reference images i used to give him a nice distinct pose. My poses don't exactly match the intent i was going for as the legs and arms weren't as long as required and any edits i made to them broke the Andy rig, however i still think the pose works quiet well.

I wanted the hero in the animation to be quite different to the villain stylistically and emotionally. where the villain is energetic and crazy/lighthearted where as the hero is stern and bleak.

I re textured the police officers clothes and modeled a gun and a badge for the protagonist to use. My original idea was to have the hero as a detective rather then a cop, but i decided a cop would be easier to express minimalistic, and far easier to have the cop act out the scenes.

some basic character poses of the cop to try and get his character across.

The final character is the hostage is is primarily use as comic relief to lighten the mood of the animation by opposing the two very serious main characters.

He only has a limited amount of poses as he is effectively bound in this film... but he still has alot of character in his actions and pose.

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