Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Thinking, coin pick up and thumbnail acting of all characters

For the the thinking pose i used numerous reference images to get the pose correct, after the initial pose was set up i tried to get the same pose from multiple directions to check which angle worked the best to express thought, in most instances front on was the best to express thinking however the where a few where side on provided a more meaningful pose.

I tried a few poses without reference material they worked ok but it end to like the ones from reference more. I found with thinking the eyes and the position of the hand where the most critical aspects in getting the idea of thinking across.

Picking up:

With the coin pick up animation i tried to squeeze in multiple different types of animation with the scene, i also wanted to tell a story with the animation so it might of went to long.

My original plan for the animation was to have him get shot back into the wall with the coin still in his hands, then land on the ground stand up dust himself off and then shrug and put the coin in his pocket before walking away.

The only reference i could find on youtube for a pick up animation (below) was a baby so i couldn't really use much of it, though it did help me get an idea.

Picking up reference:

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