Saturday, August 15, 2009

storyboard and camera, and strong pose

This weeks journal task was to make a simple storyboard and animatic. I cut my full idea down to a brief snippet at the end of my original proposal.

As a side journal task we had to do a "strong pose", i missed this weeks class to attend a funeral so i was not sure if i had to pose for a strong line of action or to make a pose that suggested that the character was physically strong, so i did both.

My first pose was based around a the gymnastic technique inverted cross, which requires huge amount of physical strength, and displays a strength by achieving it effortlessly. i think it works well, but is too subtle.

My second attempts at strength are a more obvious and a more generic set of poses with the characters just flexing their muscles, i loosely based these poses off Schwarzenegger and a set of images of Japanese people flexing. My initial pose based on Schwarzenegger didn't work too well because the andy rig lacks muscles, so instead i tweaked it that it suggested a stronger pose.

The final set of poses worked pretty well, and i decided to use a female rig to make the strong pose pop more and have more of a character.

More reference images:

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