Saturday, August 15, 2009

Assignment 1 Character Design Document hostage character

Character Sheet:

Character Description:

Character: Sam Jennings: Student, Hostage, Side-character.

Full Name:
Sam Michael Jennings
Negotiator (police officer)

Detailed Physical Description
Distinguishing Features:
Joker, relaxed, easily stressed
5' 12"
Light and Lanky

Character Traits
Key Character Traits:
Stressed/freaked out, comedian.
What is the Principal Function of this Character?
Side-character who adds a comedic element to the animation

What is the Goal of this Character?
To escape the bank without dying.
What is the Character's plan to achieve the goal?
Try to wriggle out of the bombs/ hop out of the bank so he can be disarmed. Or to survive the battle of wits without being blown up.

Character Background
Family Background:
Sam Jennings comes from a family of builders and tradies, however he went to art school in order to break away from his family traditions, and this has lead to constant ridicule and disrespect from his family.
Sam never takes anything to seriously which can land him in compromising situations (like being strapped with explosives), however when genuine problems inevitably occur, Sam freaks out and behaves wildly/erratically without thinking in order to try to get himself out of the sticky situation any way possible bartering and pleading the entire time.
College of fine arts second year
Sam is a generally fun loving guy who loves to spend time with friends, but when the bank gets robbed fear takes over and a wave of emotions rush over him as he tries to escape.
He lives for fun, drawing, painting and sculpting
Stressful situations or any situation where he is expected to be serious.
Sam Jennings was heading to the bank to cash the $25 check his grandma gave him for food, when the bank got robbed; Sam started freaking out when Ryan started killing people. Sam’s erratic actions and him trying to escape got him strapped up in bombs by Ryan. He is still trying to escape while Jack comes to challenge Ryan.

Character Animation Tests:

Assignment 1 Character Design Document police character

Character Sheet:

Character Description:

Character: Jack Davis Tags: Police officer, Hero, Protagonist.

Full Name:
Jack Frith Davis
Negotiator (police officer)

Detailed Physical Description
Distinguishing Features:
Stern and confident
5' 10"

Character Traits
Key Character Traits:
Straightforward, humourless and bold
What is the Principal Function of this Character?

What is the Goal of this Character?
Free the hostage from Ryan Green’s hold, and either arrest or kill Ryan green.
What is the Character's plan to achieve the goal?
He will challenge Ryan Green to a fixed battle of wits, and kill Ryan before he can blow up Sam Jennings.

Character Background
Family Background:
Jack comes from a long line of police officers; however he is the first Davis to become a negotiator rather than a street cop. He is married with three children.
Jack Tends to drink a lot when he isn’t on the job and this has lead to a lot of violent outbreaks between him and bar goers. He tends to be a bit cold to his wife and kids and doesn’t get much spare time to spend with them.
Finished high school, and did a basic law degree, has certificates in communication/negotiation and relations.
Jack is calm and collected even in the most intense of situations, He is fairly outspoken however he is always tactful about it.
He lives for Alcohol, his wife and keeping his family tradition of being a police officer going.
Jack Davis dislikes authoritarian figures, and hates cheaters/ people who try to get ahead through unfair means.
Two previous negotiators, 12 hostages and 6 robber have been killed by Ryan so far so the police got Jack Davis sent into the bank to stop Ryan Green, he was given the authority to use any means necessary to bring Ryan down, in order to stop Ryan from killing any more hostages.

Character Animation Tests:

For my walk cycle i used various reference material of swat teams walking.

They are linked here:

Assignment 1 Character Design Document villian character

Character Sheet:

Character Description:

Character: Ryan Green Tags: Bank robber, villain, Antagonist.

Full Name:
Ryan Oswald Green
Unemployed (bank robber)

Detailed Physical Description
Distinguishing Features:
Tall, and Psychotic
6' 5"
Very light

Character Traits
Key Character Traits:
Gaunt, erratic, psychotic
What is the Principal Function of this Character?

What is the Goal of this Character?
Ryan wants to escape the bank with all the cash.
What is the Character's plan to achieve the goal?
He plans to achieve his goal by bargaining with the hostage, but when Jack offers him a battle of wits Ryan quickly changes his plan to get out scott free.

Character Background
Family Background:
Ryan has no criminal background/ any history to date prior to the bank robbery; he started the bank heist by shooting all of the clerks and fellow robbers and proceeding to attach explosives to the sol surviving hostage.
He is a sociopath known to dress unpredictably and is constantly smoking. He loves games and taking a chance, and loves cheating at games even more.
Unknown, seems to be well read.
Ryan green acts on impulse and without concern for others, if he can find a way to get the upper hand he will take it without any regard for the consequences.
Money and sowing chaos whenever he can.
Ryan green dislikes police and any authoritarian figures. Hates losing, so always cheats.
Ryan Green is the major opponent of the Jack Davis, he is holding the bank ransom and plans to get out of the bank with the money any way he can. He was planning to hold Sam Jennings hostage to barter an escape, however Jack offered another alternative in which if Ryan won the battle of wits he could go freely with the money.

Character Animation Tests:

Angry pose, and knocking stuff over rig

I accidentally combined the knocking stuff over animation with the angry animation.. So my knocking stuff over rig was factored into the angry pose of the week.

I need to g9o back to the andy rig and do an angry pose based off of the reference material i have collected.

reference video for cane swing:

Angry poses:

For the angry pose i based it off of various reference material.

however if i had more time i'd like to try more poses.

storyboard and camera, and strong pose

This weeks journal task was to make a simple storyboard and animatic. I cut my full idea down to a brief snippet at the end of my original proposal.

As a side journal task we had to do a "strong pose", i missed this weeks class to attend a funeral so i was not sure if i had to pose for a strong line of action or to make a pose that suggested that the character was physically strong, so i did both.

My first pose was based around a the gymnastic technique inverted cross, which requires huge amount of physical strength, and displays a strength by achieving it effortlessly. i think it works well, but is too subtle.

My second attempts at strength are a more obvious and a more generic set of poses with the characters just flexing their muscles, i loosely based these poses off Schwarzenegger and a set of images of Japanese people flexing. My initial pose based on Schwarzenegger didn't work too well because the andy rig lacks muscles, so instead i tweaked it that it suggested a stronger pose.

The final set of poses worked pretty well, and i decided to use a female rig to make the strong pose pop more and have more of a character.

More reference images:

Textual designs and poses

My three major characters is the bank robber as the villain, the police officer as the hero, and the young boy as the hostage.

I wanted to portray the villain as maniacal and crazy, his general mannerism is somewhat erratic while still maintaining a nice smooth form as he moves. I want him portray as tall and slender and have nice long movements, however my attempts at editing the andy rig to make it taller and skinnier has proved unsuccessful, so I plan to emphasize his height through camera angles and movements.
I plan to upload more poses at a later date of him in other various positions that let this character shine through.

I modified his clothing texture to add a anarchy tshirt stained with blood, i also modeled a a top hat, a cigarette and his remote detonator. Later i added sack of money for him to lean on.

I also included some reference images i used to give him a nice distinct pose. My poses don't exactly match the intent i was going for as the legs and arms weren't as long as required and any edits i made to them broke the Andy rig, however i still think the pose works quiet well.

I wanted the hero in the animation to be quite different to the villain stylistically and emotionally. where the villain is energetic and crazy/lighthearted where as the hero is stern and bleak.

I re textured the police officers clothes and modeled a gun and a badge for the protagonist to use. My original idea was to have the hero as a detective rather then a cop, but i decided a cop would be easier to express minimalistic, and far easier to have the cop act out the scenes.

some basic character poses of the cop to try and get his character across.

The final character is the hostage is is primarily use as comic relief to lighten the mood of the animation by opposing the two very serious main characters.

He only has a limited amount of poses as he is effectively bound in this film... but he still has alot of character in his actions and pose.