Thursday, July 23, 2009


This is my first entry to the KIB225 online journal.

Our first task was to identify I director who I liked.

I really liked Henry Selick as the director in "The Nightmare Before Christmas". Henry Selick is a Disney animator who focus's primarily on stop motion animation.

Though the nightmare before Christmas is a Disney film Selick adds a creepy gothic style to the medium, even though this style is very particular Selick manages to direct it in such a way that it reaches a large audience. He does this through likeable characters, smooth character animations, and strong angled set pieces/camera angle selection.

Our second task was to discuss possible scene choices and any early ideas we had for our final assignment.

My plan was to have the scene reincited in current day with a bank robber a police officer and a hostage strapped up in dynamite.

The scenes will be set up to first introduce all the major characters meeting inside the bank. The next scene shows that the building is surrounded by armed police. The next shot would show the villain with the detonation device and would warn the officer from getting to close.

The officer would present an offer of a battle of wits, he’d present to guns one fires blanks one fires real bullets. The winner of the shoot off would get to walk away with everything the loser would be dead.

The police officer places two guns on the table. There is some banter while the villain tries to decide which gun has real bullets in it and which one has blanks. He then points and the officer turns, he switches the guns and then smirks to himself. The officer turns back and the villain makes his choice and watches as the officer reaches for the other gun confidently.

The officer starts to count to three, on the count of two the villain fires his gun at the officer. The officer falls back onto the floor clutching his chest as the villain begins to dance and mock him. While on the ground the officer shoots the villain in the head and villain violently snaps back as the bullet hits. The villain falls to the ground dead.

The officer pulls open his shirt revealing a bullet proof vest.

I plan to watch a clockwork orange for research into characterizing the villain, and last boyscout for characterizing the cop.